Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dr. Joann Burkholder,

Dr. Joann Burkholder, Professor of Applied Aquatic Ecology, NC State University. Dr. Burkholder conducted ground-breaking research in the early 1990s which linked Pfiesteria to massive fish kills, nutrient pollution and human illness. Her findings resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in water quality improvements and additional scientific research for the Neuse River and other coastal estuaries. Her amazing discovery was the topic of a NY Times best-selling novel “And the Waters Turned to Blood” by Rodney Barker. The numerous beach closings, bans on fishing, and the thousands of children at summer camps who were prevented from swimming in the Neuse River in the mid 1990s likely prevented mass illness and unnecessary public exposure to Pfiesteria’s dangerous neurotoxins.

Should we be able to choose the traits of our babies?

   In the movie Gattaca the parents were able to choose the traits of their children. Do i think that parents should be able to choose their kids traits? I don't think parents should be able to do that because it is not a normal process. I think that child birth should be natural and no science to change the traits of your child because it would be like literally making your son on a computer.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How far should we go to isolate people with a disease?

I think we should go to the farthest point to contain a disease because what if the disease never stops and half of the human population or even more wear to be killed? i think the army should be involved to conatin people with the disease and save the non infected people. The army would have trained soldiers who can make a barrier and do what is needed to do incase of an emergency.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Helpful and Non-Helpful Bacteria

 Some bacteria are not harmful at all. Bacteria help a human digest food and make the body go better. They also get rid of toxins and eliminate some bad bacteria as well.
 Most bacteria is usually bad such as the ones that make you sick and mess up your system which will give u diarea. Some germs cause such diseases like cholera, anthrax, syphilis and many others. Cholera killed millions of people in Europe in the Middle Ages before a cure was invented.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Glacier found to be deeply cracked

Pressure and stress can lead to a big crack in a glacier. Researchers have discovered a system of deep cracks going threw the glacier. Water pressure below the glacier and stress from the massive weight above it have created the cracks from what researchers have said. Reseachers were not looking for the cracks when they found them.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Non carbon life forms

Can non carbon life forms exist? Yes a carbon life form can exist such as an alien. I think this because i believe that aliens exist.

post 2

Should the US go in the metric system? I think the US should stick with the metric system because it would help with science. Without it it would be a lot harder to measure things. Also we would fail this class too. It also helps other jobs that involve building

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My goal in biology

My goal for this class is to get a good grade. I plan to get a C or higher so far i have a good grade and i plan to keep it. I have been doing my work and if i keep doing this i will pass with the grade i want.